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Marine FF for Land Based, 3rd

Marine FF for Land Based, 3rd

Regular price $91.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $91.75 USD
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The Purpose of this manual is to provide land-based (shoreside) fire service personnel with the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. The content of this manual is written to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1005, the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for Professional Qualifications for Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Fire Fighters, 2019 Edition. The all NEW text is intended to include the minimum knowledge and skills required to meet NFPA 1005. Jurisdictional policies and procedures that differ or expand upon the requirements of NFPA 1005 are beyond the scope of the manual. Land-based firefighters must understand their departments’ policies and liabilities as they pertain to waterfront and shipboard incidents. It is assumed that the jurisdiction will train their firefighters on requirements particular to the jurisdiction. Each local jurisdiction has the responsibility to assess its hazards and develop a response plan for those hazards. If an incident occurs, the local jurisdiction will be called to respond, especially when the incident is beyond the capability of the vessel’s crew.
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